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Showing posts from September, 2019

Which way should you go?

Testing the waters So, you’re not sure which direction your career needs to go in. The options are many and you’re not sure what it’s like to be in a particular profession such as marketing, media, finance or construction. Well, if you were about to step into a hot bath what would you do before stepping in? You would want to make sure the water was the right temperature. Not too hot and not too cold. You would test the water by dipping your fingers or your toes in to test the temperature. Too hot and you could burn yourself. Too cold and you could shiver. Just right and you would then be ready to step in for a comfortable bath. Likewise, if you want to head into a particular career you would want to test the water by spending a period of time in that profession. A work experience attachment is ideal for testing the water. Picksabbex provide the platform for you to search using your desired criteria in order to land the ideal work experience for you to try out a profession; t